Saturday, June 11, 2005

Eclectica 2005 An Evening of Woman's Art

Hey all,
If you are around the "wack" (aka Chilliwack) on Thursday June 16 (that's this coming Thursday) you're invited to an evening of art and discussion (or not) at the Chilliwack Arts' Centre Downstairs Lounge. My friend Julie Sharman and I are hosting an evening exhibit of art from Fraser Valley woman (and girls!).
The gig is from 7-9 pm.
Friends are gathering at our place 46152 First Avenue (plenty of parking in the alley) starting at 5:30 for pre-beverages as I don't have insurance for the space rental to cover boozen ( only punch and a few goodies etc.)
Maybe even door prizes if I can get it together!!!

Hope to see you there!

PS Gals who I am expecting work from should have it dropped by my place (see above address) by Tuesday the 13th. I will be taking a photo of you to mount by your work. I also need the title of the piece(s) and your birthday as time has become a loose theme for the exhibit.
Thanks again for your interest and support!